I've read lots of articles that outline why marketers should be making video content customers want to watch, without giving any clues as to how to discover and develop ideas for relevant content. Here’s three ways to get the answers you need!
Read MoreAI-powered video production platforms like Synthesia.io and its competitors allow clients to create professional-quality videos without the need for a production company. We road tested Synthesia.io to see if it could do what we do. Here’s the pros and cons we discovered while using the service.
Read MoreWorking with a video production company can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be a challenging one. In this article, we'll discuss some of the key best practices that you should keep in mind when working with us here at Squaregreen.
Read MoreYouTube is over 10 years old, but a lot of companies I work with don't give their channel the same love and attention that they give to their Facebook page. Here’s 7 steps you can take to improve your YouTube channel’s performance.
Read MoreSponsorships and collabs aren't just for big brands and celebrities. Here's how you could save some cash on your next production.
Read MoreIf telling isn’t selling then most corporate videos are doing it wrong. Here’s how Hollywood story writing frameworks can be used to improve your company’s videos.
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